The Final Question

The simple fact of the matter is we’re all pirates deep down


This pirate's favorite Pixar Movie is A Bug's Life. Now, this pirate doesn't go out of his way to see Pixar movies, because this pirate doesn't have small children anymore, and those movies aren't exactly his cup of tea. That said, A Bug's Life always stood out to me for one reason. One particular speech. You might know the one.

"You let one ant stand up to us and

they all might stand up.

Those puny little ants outnumber us

a hundred to one,

and if they ever figure that out

there goes our way of life!!

It's not about food!

It's about keeping those ants in line."

Now I don't know about you, but this pirate thinks that we can apply that to more than just ants and grasshoppers.

As you listen to this episode, it's near the end of July. A lot of us are being forced back into offices after being home and working quite well for the last year and a half. Last month, Bloomberg had an article recently in which "a May survey of 1,000 U.S. adults showed that 39% would consider quitting if their employers weren’t flexible about remote work. The generational difference is clear: Among millennials and Gen Z, that figure was 49%, according to the poll by Morning Consult on behalf of Bloomberg News."

There are jobs where you legitimately have to be somewhere, this pirate understands that. If you need to be on someone else's boat, then you climb aboard like everyone else. But, there are way too many captains out there that want people 'back where they belong' for reasons that applied in the world we used to live in, and not the one we live in now. It's a kind of corporate gaslighting in which the Powers that Be try to convince you that it wasn't absolutely possible to be at home and be just as productive. Just as effective. Plus, you probably saved a cubic shit-ton of money by not driving. Not spending it on daycare. By not spending it on the things they'd like you to spend money on to get their economy working again the way they like it.

They're the grasshoppers, and they know the second we realize we can force this issue, it's over. "Well, they'll hire more people," you say. Sure they will, and spend two to three times the amount they would paying you to train them. It's more cost-effective if they sweet-talk, cajole, and ultimately threaten to come back in 'where you belong' so you can be micromanaged in accordance with corporate prophe--uh, policy. C'mon. Come back to the Navy. The water's more...regulated.

This pirate has decided it's not for him, and now each of us has a unique opportunity and one that may never come again. Are you going to go join the Navy, are you going to build your own ship, set your own course, and praise your own black flag?

The simple fact of the matter is we're all pirates deep down, and all it's going to take is to answer that one simple long are you willing to keep enduring the bullshit? The day will come when you decide today is the day you won't continue to endure it...

...and that's the day that you...and normal person...will spit in your hands....raise the back flag...and begin slitting the throat of the person you were yesterday.

Welcome Aboard.

You can find this pirate at most places social by using the handle krisroley, and this pirate's website,

Music for this offering supplied by Epidemic Sound.

This is the last episode of "This Pirate", and I want to thank you for listening. We'll have one episode left where I'll be out of the pirate character, and then we'll be on a short hiatus while we get the next offering ready for you, but while you're waiting we have some bonus content for you on our Patreon channel for as little as five dollars a month, in addition, subscribers can get a bonus episode and a monthly gathering of the crew on our Twitch channel. Go to for more information.