Month: June 2016

  • Self Portrait, June 4, 2016


    Taken with iPhone 6s, No Other Data Available

    I don’t remember the exact circumstances behind this photo, but based on the fact I have headphones on and my hand is on my chin, I’m fairly sure I was editing audio and listening as intently as I can. Most times, when I have to dive deep into the weeds on a piece of audio and work on the tiny little things, I get into this posture. I can’t see for certain, but I’m pretty sure my eyes are closed. Nothing but the sound exists when I’m in this state.

    One reason I know that this is 2016 is what I’m wearing. That Fall and Winter I was on a kick that I needed to look more my age, and my wardrobe was more on the business side of business casual. I’m the kind of person that finds something he likes and buys five of it in different colors, because I hate standing in front of the closet wondering what to wear that day. That year it was exactly what you see: Oxford collar shirts and V-Neck sweaters. I also decided to let my hair—what there is of it—grow out after having a buzz cut for five years or so.

    I used this photo as my profile picture everywhere for a long time until I decided that people needed to see my face, for which I’m dreadfully sorry.