Category: Blog

  • LINK: The Final Days of Coyote vs. ACME →

    In a truly inglorious end, a source close to the movie doesn’t believe Warner Bros. would even announce that they hadn’t found a home for the movie. They would unceremoniously delete it. Never to be seen again.

    I can almost guarantee that there’s at least one generation of folks who would have loved to see this as a payoff for watching Wile E. Coyote plaster himself all over the desert floor over and over for years. I certainly would.

    I hope someone reconsiders this someday.

  • My Unvarnished Opinion of the Apple Vision Pro

    It makes Google Glass — and Glassholes — look reasonable by comparison.

    We’re doomed.

  • Cleaning the Social Media Gutter

    I’m noticing that quite a few people that view my stories on Instagram are people that I don’t know, and want nothing to do with. I started to go through my list of followers, and I quickly realized that leaving my account inactive for a long period of time might have been a mistake. A quick note about weeding the garden: Instagram doesn’t really make it easy, especially on the desktop version. It’s just a small scroll box in the center of the page. I really would like a way to bulk remove/block people. That should be a no-brainer.

    Yes, I realize there are 3rd party solutions that may allow you to do this, the point is that IG should allow you to do this. I’m going to look for those solutions so that I don’t have to waste more time in the weeds than necessary.

  • MarkWayne Mullin Is Not A Serious Person →

    That’s the act of an overgrown man-child with no self-control. It should be automatically disqualifying; no person who acts that way has any business in that job.

    It won’t be, of course. He caters to a crowd, a constituency that most likely approves of his behavior.

  • LINK: First-Gen Social Media Users Have Nowhere to Go →

    Ever since the popular platforms got basically weaponized, it’s been a little more like which one is the leper with the most fingers left. I’ve found myself on Threads, which is Zuckerberg. At least he’s not an insane fascist as far as we know. I hardly ever post on Facebook anymore, and I’m warming back up to Instagram since they appear to be appealing to photography again.

    That said, I’m not going to worry too much about it. I have this place, and anything I have to say I can post here.

  • LINK: James Corden Inks New Podcast for SiriusXM

    I’m reminded of the revival of the British comedy show Spitting Image (see: Genesis’ Land of Confusion video) where any time I’ve seen Corden’s puppet on the show, it is usually shot in the head. The British knew all along.

    Friends don’t let friends Corden.

  • LINK: Trump Testily Testifies (CNN)

    I believe Trump is almost daring this judge to throw him in jail because he believes the persecution card is worth it.

    I wonder if a better idea would be continue to fine him heavily, demand the money in a timely manner, and figure out a way to give every fine he pays to places like Planned Parenthood, Everytown for Gun Safety, Immigrant Advocates Network, and so on.

    That probably can’t happen, but it damn well should.

  • BOOK: Romney – A Reckoning

    A very compelling book. Yes, there’s a lot of tea to be spilled here, but the big revelation—at least for me—is that Mitt Romney is a decent human being who has an amazing sense of humor about himself. Possibly wishing for a time when there was less chaos than today, but I wonder about what a Romney Presidency would look like.

    We need less of what passes for a Republican today and more Mitt Romneys. Even if I thought they were wrong at governing, at least they could govern.

    Read the book. You might surprise yourself.

  • APPEARANCE: Deprogrammed–The Tragically Hip

    Recently, I was honored to take part in a podcast with Justin and my friends at the Legion of Stupid, where we talked about a great Canadian band that should have made it in America: The Tragically Hip.

    For the perceptive, LoS are the same folks that do the Belle and Dubs podcast that I’ve appeared on a few times. Great folks, and I’ll pretty much stand on my head if they ask. Give them a listen.

    The Legion of Stupid

  • Friday, October 13th, 2023

    I’ve often said that just don’t think my life is that damn interesting. That was no more apparent to me when I tried to make a daily vlog, and realized that I do pretty much the same thing every day. That doesn’t really lend itself to compelling video.

    However, the reason for starting to do some kind of weekly vlog isn’t for the content, it’s really for the chops. If I start making some sort of weekly diary, it’s for keeping in practice with videography and editing. Not that I think I’ll ever get another job doing it ever again, but it’s for my satisfaction that I can do it. I don’t expect that to make sense to anyone, but for me it’s very much a matter of pride at this point.