Tuesday, July 30th 2024 #

  • CNN: Denver gave people without housing $12,000. You might say it worked.
  • Free Beacon: We’re going after Kamala’s Pastor in a completely original tactic that has never been used against any other presidential candidate.

Tuesday, July 23rd 2024 #

  • If a certain camera company had given a single thought to something like this, maybe some good people might still be working there. I’m just saying.

Thursday July 18th 2024 #

  • One of the funniest men ever passed away today. I don’t mind telling you that Bob Newhart’s original standup routines and his ability to be the straight man and the punch line simultaneously were an influence on me. He will be missed.

Wednesday, July 17 2024 #

  • From the “How you know it’s BAD” Department: Canon lays off the face of their brand after 30 years with the company. PetaPixel
  • I have always been an advocate for always getting information first-hand. You see, hear, or read it for yourself. In that spirit, here is the much-talked-about Project 2025 document. It’s a big read, but I think it’s important.
  • From Adam Parkhomenko’s TikTok, someone calls out Matt Gaetz for being an asshole, and Gaetz slinks away with his tail between his legs. Glorious. MOAR, PLZ.
  • A new redesign of Overcast, IMHO the best podcast app out there.