• Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

    I have but one takeaway from today’s US v. Skrmetti oral argument, but it’s informative: The TN GOP is all about parental rights until they don’t fit the agenda. In this case, the government knows better than parents what’s in the child’s best interest. These drugs harm a child’s body irreversibly. So does being pregnant at a young age, but y’all aren’t concerned about that one in Tennessee, are you?

    On a related note, Glenn ‘Kane’ Jacobs is mulling a run for Governor of Tennessee. Politics has become pro wrestling in suits so I suppose that’s logical. Surprisingly, the one guy in 30 years who made you believe he was a redneck rattlesnake, wasn’t. Go figure.

    Since we’re on the subject of pro wrestling, I have never liked that walking hot dog Hogan. I have never liked good guys. Bad guys were WAY more interesting. I was a Piper fan. I was a Jake Roberts fan. These days, the line has blurred because we’re not interested in good/bad anymore. These aren’t superheroes, they’re people. Since the Attitude Era, we’ve realized that characters who evolve and have reasons for their actions are more interesting. CM Punk, Karrion Kross, and Hangman Adam Page are great examples. I have one exception to this: Bray Wyatt. I miss him more than anyone I’ve ever rooted for. Hands down the best character since The Undertaker. I’ll die on that hill.

    I’m beginning to think that anytime someone beats their chest loudly on TV and says that they’re not going to back down, wait 24 hours or so. I don’t know who was first, but I’ve named this Agnew’s Law. How long before Agnew’s Law applies to Hygiene Hegseth? he came out today saying he’s not backing down and said all the attacks on him came from anonymous sources. His mom, for example… Wave bye-bye to the E-Ring, Hygiene Boi.

    Something to pay attention to in the House of Representatives: Jerry Nadler (D) NY, has been the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee for a long time. He has announced he’s stepping down and endorsed Jamie Raskin of MD to take his place. This is interesting because Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has said she might run for ranking member of Oversight if Raskin gets Judiciary. There are many reasons to root for this happening, but let’s focus on two. First, James Comer is the Chairman and is going to lose his damn mind dealing with her. Secondly, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Nancy Mace, and Lauren Boebert are on Oversight and at least one of them will try to take AOC on. Take my advice: If this happens, Start watching C-Span, particularly the oversight hearings. They might get lively. There is one thing the House GOP might try, and that is to try to use something AOC says out of context to strip her of committee assignments. I predict MTG will be the one to pull this stunt to ‘own the libs’. Watch this space.

  • Monday, December 2nd, 2024

    There’s an old joke that Gallagher—yes, the watermelon guy—used to tell about the first humans on the planet. They were all nomads. They’d settle somewhere, look around, and say, “Hey, I like it here. ” Then, a few months later, they didn’t like it so much. The root of the problem was that indoor plumbing hadn’t been invented yet, so after a while, it was time to pack up and move somewhere else, preferably upwind.

    This is how I feel about the office/studio where I spend my workday. I did a little decoration in 2018 to keep myself from going nuts when Devin was in the hospital, and if I’m honest, there’s nothing wrong with it. I’m just bored with it and I want to do something else. I keep getting ideas from YouTube from other creators who have done amazing stuff with their office, but I have to remember that these folks have a name and sponsorships. They also have that one other thing…money. I don’t have big money, so anything I do will be piecemeal. I’ll figure out a design and the cost, and then start collecting the parts. I think this would be a good thing to document on video. Stay tuned.

    I think the moment that Meghan McCain decided to weigh in on the Hunter Biden pardon was the moment irony hurled itself into the sun. I’ve read what most everyone has to say about the pardon, and every one of their paychecks depends on them being on whatever side they’re on. In the end, I’m going to remind you of the sage wisdom of Dick Cheney: So what? You know what Joe Biden did? He saved his son in the only way he could, because he could. He couldn’t save his first wife and daughter, and he couldn’t save Beau. He saved his son Hunter. If you can’t have a sliver of sympathy for that, you’re beyond hope. The only thing I can’t stand about this is that Bobo/Butthead/ThreeToes are going to co-opt a talking point I am sick of: No one is above the law. So, for those of you who missed the takeover of the term “Fake News” the minute Trump said that to Jim Acosta from the podium, you’re in for a fun time.

    Just so we’re clear, there are 20 plus seasons of various Law & Orders and assorted NCIS-es to keep your mind off this bullshit.

  • PODCAST: Roley Podcast for December 1st, 2024


    Christmas wrapping (thyself around a telephone pole).

    Lynnhaven Mall Exit Swerve.

    I don’t complain anymore. I’ve been to New York since then.

    Taxi Story

    Navigator Story



    All the news that’s printed to fit.

    Rudy Is Losing It https://newrepublic.com/post/188868/courtroom-sketch-artist-rudy-giuliani-losing-it

    The PodBros are coming https://www.dailykos.com/story/2024/11/27/2288821/-Yikes-Trump-may-let-podcast-bros-into-White-House-Briefing-Room?pm_campaign=blog&pm_medium=rss&pm_source=

    The Right’s 24/365 Propaganda Machine Vs…nothing. And you wonder why the Dems lost. Meanwhile, Legacy Corporate Media is rotting.

    The next stars in the Democratic Party—the one we run for office, anyway— need to embrace, even CREATE, new media. They need to start now. Gavin Newsom needs a podcast. Mayor Pete needs to be on Hot Ones. Run with that.

    Jack Smith Report expected to be released before Inauguration Day. https://www.newsweek.com/jack-smith-deadline-final-donald-trump-report-1991904

    Looking at you, Garland.

  • Monday, November 25th, 2024

    The week of Thanksgiving means one thing to me: The crazy people are about to hit the roads. My shopping is pretty much done already, so I try to stay away from the places crazy people go during the holidays. The groceries get picked up or delivered, I give the mall a wide berth, and I try to stay away from anything that looks like an accident waiting to happen. There’s nothing like heading down the expressway at 55 to have a car stuck in the exit lane cut left into your lane with no warning and about 100 feet to make a decision. That will wake you up, trust me. That said, I don’t complain so much about the crazies around here so much anymore, and there’s a good reason for that: I’ve been to New York City.

    I’m good, thanks.

  • PODCAST: November 24th, 2024

    WordPress Upgrade / Changed to Twenty-Twenty Five Theme, clean design

    Yellowstone. Holy crap. Taylor Sheridan is Shonda in boots, apparently.

    My day job. Some of y’all are rude. My fraud story from this week.

    B-Roll. One day I might get to use it.

    Joe and Mika

    Manhattan DA Delay in Sentencing.

    Nancy Mace

    The race to replace mainstream media


  • Thursday, November 21st, 2024

    Don’t gloat over Gaetz just yet. There’s about to be a vacant Senate seat in Florida, and I think he got offered a consolation prize to withdraw from consideration for AG. Also, don’t get your hopes up about turning Gaetz’s district blue. It’s been red since Joe Scarborough won it in 1994. Could it go blue? Yes. Could I also sprout enough hair on the top of my head to cover my bald spot? Also yes, but like the former it would take a lot of help.

    I’ve been trying to wrap my head around the disconnect between the Right and Left and how they use the media. Going to give this some more thought before I open my mouth. Clearly, there’s a difference.

    The more I use Bluesky, the more I’m liking it. However, something happened on my Threads account this morning, when I first logged into it this morning it presented me with a toggle switch. Turning it on would allow me to see more political content. Go to Settings > Account > Political Content to get there.

    I’ve noticed something hilarious on Bluesky. Folks on Xitter that cried so much about ‘muh free speech” that an overgrown man-child with more money than God and barely enough self-control bought it, are the same folks who realize that now that they’re talking to themselves it’s no fun. So, they’re coming over to Bluesky….and getting blocked or banned like A Taint. The same thing is happening on Threads to some degree. Why are they so mad? They got the safe space they wanted to be as disgusting as they like. D’ya suppose that free speech was never the problem at all? It’s almost as if they have no actual identity without being assholes. Touch grass, like the younglings say.

    Related: Using Threads and Bluesky (deck.blue) on the desktop is amazing. If you ever had Tweetdeck, it’s that same design. I can’t tell you how much I miss Tweetdeck. 10/10 would recommend.

  • Wednesday, Nov 20th, 2024

    Getting away from the politics and assorted fuckery for a moment, I’d like to talk about how some people think it’s perfectly ok to be rude to the people you’re calling to ask for things. It’s not. It’s the bravery of being out of range. It’s the bravery of not having to look at who you’re berating. It takes zero dimes to do the bare minimum of a human being and just not curse at the guy on the phone helping you. Some of us learned this when we were kids, Some of us didn’t, and for those people, I recommend using a chatbot if one’s available on the website of the company you’re wanting to engage. Sure, AI might take my job someday, but if it can help me avoid talking to an asshole, I’m all for it.

  • Tuesday, November 19th, 2024

    Yesterday, I wondered if Rachel Maddow would have anything to say about their channel throwing themselves prostrate on the tiled floors of the Craptastic Compound to save their access, jobs, or whatever. She did not, so she is complicit in their new surrender policy. We must then assume that MSNBC no longer cares about journalism, or if they ever did. What they care about is eyeballs, ratings, and ad revenue. If that is the case, we should refer to cable news—and MSNBC specifically—as For-Profit News. Up to you if you want to trust anything that prioritizes money over truth, but I won’t. I’ll see if I can find something trustworthy to share. Someone suggested Democracy Now as an alternative. I’ve never seen it, so I have no idea. I’ll let you know.

    The Manhattan DA’s Office recommends to Judge Merchan that Trump’s sentencing be delayed so that the Court can hear Trump’s motion to dismiss. Of course, this case will get dismissed, because we have two levels of justice here. The only ‘Lawfare’ being practiced here is what Trump has proven he’s very good at, using the court’s rules against itself, and getting away with it. He will tell you that makes him smart.

    This might be a rhetorical question, but If a culture warrior falls in the forest and no one is there to hear them bitch about Starbucks Cups, books and other people’s junk, do they make a sound? Was there a race between Boebert, Greene, and Mace to be the first person to drop a bill about Ladies’ rooms in the Capitol? Good to know that lot are taking care of the really important stuff, those utter wastes of space.

    Related: I’m reminded of something Michael Stipe said to Tabitha Soren once along the lines of “The only time you should be worried about what I’m doing with my dick is if you’re sitting in my lap.” I would amend that to “The only time you should be worried about what I’m doing with my dick–or if I even have one–is if you’re sitting in my lap.”

    I suppose that this is just a sample of what we’re going to be in for, at least until January 2027 if we’re lucky.

    On a lighter note, caught the first episode of Dune: Propecy last night. Wonderful bit of world building here. Long before the events of Dune, it’s the early days of the Bene Gesserit. If you liked the Recent Dune movies, you’ll like this. Something nice to chew on while we’re waiting for Dune: Messiah.

  • Monday, November 18th, 2024

    The big reveal this morning–that Joe and Mika went to the Craptastic Compound–should be the death of cable news. At the very least, it should be the death of MSNBC. I wonder what the Monday Prime Time contingent has to say about this, it wouldn’t surprise me to see a big rift between Rachel and Joe. It doesn’t matter. They’ve burned their reputation for something they won’t get.

    One of the things I’ve taken to watching during my recovery (I’ve had plenty of time), is Yellowstone. I didn’t think that was going to be my cup of tea, but like every other person who’s been suckered in by this show, it’s all about the next batshit crazy thing Beth is going to do. I’m starting Season 5 next, I understand I’m in for a ride. The guy who created the show has got another one in the works called 6666, the ranch in which Jimmy spent Season 4. I certainly hope that means we’ll be seeing more of Jimmy. His character arc was awesome.

    Managed to get a little B-Roll of time-lapsed stuff over the weekend. Nothinghuge, just the skyline at what passes for a Downtown here in Virginia Beach, and some shoreline at the Chesapeake Day during the very windy weather on Saturday Morning. It looks good, and one of these days I might have a reason to use it.

  • PODCAST: Roley for November 17th, 2024

    * welcome back

    * Heart attack

    * Evolution of personality.

    * Tyson Fight/ Netflix: stress test for RAW?

    * Cabinet appointments.

    * Changing vote? Too late.

    * Tariffs? 80s Movie out front should have told you.

    * I can ignore it, but there’s a reason I can: They hate all of us, but it’s by degrees.