Straight Ahead

Straight ahead is where the work is. Up and Down are only distractions.


This pirate, like a lot of you, has spent a lot of time looking down. There might be many reasons why someone would spend a lot of time looking down, but for this pirate, the reason he was looking down has been the wrong one the entire time. This pirate was looking down because a device in his hand made a tool out of him.

This pirate used to have a rule that a pirate should use the tools he has and not the other way 'round, but very slowly, over the years, that's changed. And now this pirate has found himself looking at the device in his hand way more than he should, and to his horror, this device in his hand has made this pirate the very thing he did not want to become—a consumer.

This pirate doesn't mean consumers like most of us are, that we go out and buy things that we need. He means a devourer of useless information. The kind of information that delivers a tiny squirt of happy juice into the right parts of his brain to keep him holding the device in his hand, and the longer he has that device in his hand, the longer he consumes, and the vicious cycle continues. This pirate keeps looking down and not paying attention to what he should be doing.

When this pirate is not looking down, he's looking up. This is just as bad from time to time because this pirate spends a lot of time thinking about what could be, or what should be, or what he'd like to be. All those things are related to a giant yellow orb in the sky or silver glitters in the distance at night. At least one of those closer, larger glitters serves a practical purpose, but not in this case. You see, this pirate heard once too often by a short man with a large mouth to keep reaching for those silver glitters, but like that short man with a large mouth, he's also a short man with a largemouth. Only, this pirate has a large mouth that gets him into trouble from time to time, and you can watch those glitters fade from view when he speaks pretty often. Like the sunrise, only...very much not sunrise.

So this pirate has to remind himself to not look up or down for too long, but straight ahead. Straight ahead is what is next. Straight ahead is what's coming. Straight ahead is what's on your course that you might need to steer around.

Straight ahead is where the work is. Up and Down are only...distractions—mental Opiates.

It might be suitable for the masses, but not for me. Not if I want to stay salty. And I want to stay salty.