Tag: date

  • The WordPress Conundrum That’s Driving Me Crazy

    If you are just coming to the website–as opposed to clicking on a link to a post–then you are at the Homepage. The Homepage consists of all the posts with the newest one on top. Each of these posts has a date under each one. This is NOT what I want. What I would like is to have the date at the top of the page, followed by all the posts on that day. then yesterday’s date, and all the posts for that day, and so on. An example would be Daring Fireball. However, I believe he is on something other than WordPress, so it’s not apples to apples.

    It boils down to whether the thing that I want is part of “the loop”, the thing that displays the posts in order, for lack of a better term. If it is, I suspect it’s at the very beginning of the code. If not, it is above the loop in the code and I have yet to figure out the hook that will get me what I want.

    The learning continues apace.