Tag: Elon Musk

  • LINK: White House Admits Musk And DOGE Violated The CFAA


    …it’s a strategy that seems too cute by half and one that potentially creates more issues for Musk and DOGE than it purports to solve. Because the filing serves as a big neon sign saying that Musk had little authority.

    So then what the hell was he doing demanding that anyone from DOGE get access to the nation’s most sensitive computer systems?

    It certainly looks like it was access “without authorization” that the CFAA punishes because there was no authorization that this particular status as a White House employee could endow him with to entitle him, or his delegates, to the access they took.

    As it was in 1.0, their maliciousness is severely limited by their incompetence. I wouldn’t count on that being our saving grace, but it certainly helps.

  • Tuesday, November 15th, 2022

    • A week ago, I watched the distinguished prune from Arizona go all ranty after voting and I said to myself, “That is not coming from a position of strength.” There were some other things before Election Day that had me thinking that she was behind, like her challenges to GOVERNOR-ELECT HOBBS that she debate her. The lengths that she went to try and get a response from Hobbs was unusual to me. In retrospect, Hobbs–or someone on her team–knew what the hell they were doing. They didn’t give her the attention she wanted, didn’t give her a legitimate platform to spew her bullshit and let her sink on her own. Lake’s team knew they were behind on Election Day. If you don’t have people in your ear telling you this, you don’t spend your money wisely. Kari Lake had a tell, and that was projecting over the top strength. I know she won’t go away, because people like Lake rarely do. She’s going to end up on one of the conservative news networks as a paid contributor until someone taps her to be in a position in someone’s administration. It wouldn’t surprise me if that were the plan all along. To run, lose, cry foul, play the tired GOP persecution game, and end up with a bigger paycheck than the one she left. The grift is strong over on that side.

    • On my task list is a reminder that I want to do some kind of outline for a video. It’s mainly to keep those chops up, but my idea machine is empty where that’s concerned. I’m probably overthinking it. That said, I just don’t think my life is that damn interesting to make a video out of, say, the things I’m posting here. It’s also possible that the reason my life isn’t that damn interesting is in line with what I said in yesterday’s post. To quote Taylor, “It’s me, hi. I’m the problem, it’s me.”

    Damn, I love that song. I have no idea why.

    • From the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Dept. You might think there’s a grassroots opposition to offshore wind energy. That grassroots opposition is being funded by the fossil fuel industry. Because fuck you and the planet, that’s why.

    • An exceptional example of humanity* called into Washington Journal this morning and complained about the one bottleneck we have in government: The Veto. He says if the Congress passes it it should become law. I too would love to transition to a Parliamentary System of Government, sir. Something tells me you didn’t think this all the way through…

    • Today in the Muskocalypse (I can type that better than I can say it) Elon is all up in his feelings and fired the 20 people that made him feel bad. Apparently Elon’s idea of free speech absolutism is that absolutely under no circumstances should you criticize Elon. Everyone else is fair game. Haven’t seen the friendship corollary yet where you get fired if you make fun of Elon’s friends, just wait a day or two.

    On a related note: Mastodon apparently has an edit button. That’s a selling point right there.

    • Watch This: James Baldwin debates William F Buckley. Then, ask yourself why some people don’t want to talk about this subject anymore. I submit that they don’t have a fraction of the intellect displayed here. I said what I said.

    • Just caught on the news that the shit has hit the fan re: Russia. Perfect. Wolverines. Great. More tomorrow if we’re not vaporized.

    *Absolute fuckhead