Tag: housekeeping

  • A Small But Significant Site Update

    As you can see, before this post, I wrote one post with the date of that day. While this was convenient for me, I couldn’t direct you to a particular part of that post without anchor tags, and I just couldn’t make that work to my liking. In addition, the posts themselves weren’t as visible in search as they could be. If I’m going to open up comments on this site, then I think I need to blog ‘correctly’, whatever that means. Going forward, there will be separate posts for each, uh, post.

    Let us never speak of this again, we now return you to the clown show already in progress.

  • JOURNAL: November 6th, 2023

    A little housekeeping, even if you see it right up front. I’ve changed the theme of this site to something more manageable. The momentary downside is that it’s gray, and adding in some additional CSS code doesn’t quite cover it, so I’ll work on that. I like my blue and white jam. I was using a WP theme that I had to shoehorn it into doing what I wanted it to do. This one just does it by default. Roley happy now. Almost.

    I don’t know who needs to hear this, but when you slap a sociopath on the wrist for his bullshit, it’s not a disincentive. In fact, they’ll think they got away with it. They’ll hit you with more bullshit, and it will get worse. Stop coddling the sociopath.

    I wrote a video script today. it’s very short, but it works and that’s all I need it to do. Stay tuned.

    There’s a definite upside and downside to working with a cat in your lap. Both happen to be that you have a cat in your lap.