Tag: Memories

  • PODCAST: Roley Podcast for 1/31/2025

    A Love Letter to Gitmo

    Royal Rumble 2025. Yeah, I like wrestling. Sue me.

    Automating the whole podcast process?

    AI and my external hard drive full of photos

    Against my better judgment, I’ve opened comments on the site.

    Hero Syndrome: I still think that 2.0 will be similar to 1.0 when it comes to astonishing incompetence. Don’t be surprised if they tank everything trying to solve a problem they created. I just wish they could do that without getting people killed.

    Why even have confirmation hearings if they’re just going to perjure themselves with no consequence? End the hearing if you catch them in a lie. End the hearing if they dodge questions, or don’t answer. End the hearing the first time someone doesn’t answer a yes or no question with a yes or no. Just adjourn, clear the room, and let the nominee sit there. As always, this will not happen. Ever. Wouldn’t it be awesome, though?

    Do we point and laugh at the clown show?

    Samsung announced they are working on a non-invasive blood sugar monitor for a wearable.

    Jim Acosta, Journ-A Lister? I hope not.

    “I did that” stickers—Biden’s on gas pumps, Trump’s on eggs. How original. Please jump off a cliff into a pit of rusty razor blades.

    T.F.E. The F@@king Experts. There’s not a thing they don’t know, just ask them.

  • Tuesday, November 1st, 2022

    • Back in the deep, dark 1980s, there was a shop at Pembroke Mall called A Bit of England. This was the place you went to find chessboards and darts accessories, and most importantly, role-playing games stuff. It was in that store I found my two favorite games, Shadowrun and Paranoia. Pembroke Mall has gone through a cubic shitload of changes in the ensuing years, and Bit of England got the shit end of the stick. Eventually, they got evicted from the Mall because getting knocked down to build a senior living community. If you consider that the demographic that still goes to a Mall is my age, it was already a senior living community.

    I ran some errands and found the store’s new location. I had to walk in. It was just how I remembered it. I ended up walking out with a set of RPG dice on impulse. I haven’t played in years. Call it a memento, I guess. I’ll put them on my ‘shelf of the ego’ and look at them now and then. Nice to walk in the past for a moment.

    I’m not a person who chooses to walk in the past for very long. Like a lot of people, I didn’t have a particularly nice childhood. I have parts of the backstory that I love of course; I will talk your ears off about Guantanamo Bay in the early 80s. There was something special about that place, and I loved living there. But the common thread of my backstory is how often I was left to my own devices. I understand that’s common among my generation, but I don’t wear it like a badge of honor like some creators do on TikTok. I’m Gen X, and as we like to say, “Whatever.”

    • I see the former guy appealed to SCOTUS in another attempt to keep the House from seeing his tax records. I don’t know why you’re even trying at this point. If trends are accurate, the House is going to flip Republican, and that’s it. That effectively means Trump is going to get away with a lot of stuff he should be going to jail for, because our justice system grinds ever so slowly for people in that rarified air. You and I would be well into our first year in Federal lockup. Of course, once the former guy announces he’s running for President again, all investigation is going to halt. He’s counting on that, and he’s counting on heading back to the WH so that he can’t be touched for another four years. We should have arrested him when you had the chance. We’re all kinds of fucked.

    • A serious question: What is the objective reality that we agree exists? I’m afraid it got drowned in a bathtub somewhere. Not to delve too far into Ayn Rand, but one of the central tenets of Objectivism is that A is A, or a chair is a chair. I honestly believe that we have somehow split off into two groups, one that believes in an objective reality that can be observed, and one that believes what they are told is reality. Maybe it’s been this way for a long time, but this darkest timeline we’re living in has brought it into a sharper focus for me. I don’t know how else to explain it other than to say when presented with a demonstrable fact, there is a group of us here in [American] society that can deny its existence based on [insert bullshit here]. How do we resolve that? Can we resolve that?

    • Finally, the first bonus pod dropped into the Patreon Feed today if you’re so inclined. First ep of the main show will be this weekend. LFG, as the youngs say.