Wednesday, August 14th 2024

The New Rules

Look at this post from Dave Winer of Scripting News. Yes, I know, it’s from, it’s his index. I really like these ideas. It’s a damn shame we won’t get that from cable news, but that’s not really the job of cable news. This is what I meant yesterday when I said we deserve better. We deserve journalists who call bullshit when they see it. We need folks who understand that there cannot possibly be two sides to some things. And we need folks who aren’t afraid of losing ‘access’, whatever that means.

I think we also need to get back to separating news from comment. Again, this is where cable news has changed the norm and blurred the lines between the two. They also turn up the sensationalism to attract the most eyeballs to watch through the ad breaks. In practical terms that matter right now, they’ve turned the Election into a a reality show. Why not, considering the candidate they can’t bear to fact check or stop covering altogether.

We’re not an electorate, we’re a demographic. We should demand better.

Thursday, July 27th, 2023

If you have been looking for yet another reason why cable news needs to go the way of the dodo, you need look no further than today’s breathless hovering over the DC Courthouse. CNN and MSNBC (Sorry, there isn’t enough money in circulation to get me to watch the third one) spent hours breathlessly wondering if today was going to be the day we got a third indictment. Chris Jansing of MSNBC noted at the end of her hour on MSNBC that sources inside the Courthouse said an indictment was not likely today or tomorrow. You would think that would be the end of it, but they were right back at it in the next hour as if they hadn’t debunked any possibility of it 5 minutes earlier. Gotta keep those eyeballs any way you can, I suppose. Seriously, kill off cable news. It’s idiocy, making idiots.

On the other hand, turn on CNN or MSNBC at 3am if you’re unlucky enough to be awake at that hour. There’s no talking head that wants to be opining at that hour of morning, so what you get is an anchor reporting the news, and the packages they’ve prepared. You know…news. Like the CNN of old, before Reagan got shot, or before the Gulf War or 9/11, when they realized continuous disaster coverage attracts eyeballs and gets people through the next ad break. Cynical? Of course it is, but then you must realize that cable news is not a public service, it’s an attempt at ratings and profits like everything else on TV is. Rachel Maddow isn’t competing with Hannity, she’s competing with WWE RAW and Monday Night Football. Read that sentence again and again until it sinks in.

I don’t know when news became a profit center, and maybe I’m an idealist for thinking that profits should not be the prime motivator for journalism, but here we are.