Tag: Twitter

  • Thursday, November 21st, 2024

    Don’t gloat over Gaetz just yet. There’s about to be a vacant Senate seat in Florida, and I think he got offered a consolation prize to withdraw from consideration for AG. Also, don’t get your hopes up about turning Gaetz’s district blue. It’s been red since Joe Scarborough won it in 1994. Could it go blue? Yes. Could I also sprout enough hair on the top of my head to cover my bald spot? Also yes, but like the former it would take a lot of help.

    I’ve been trying to wrap my head around the disconnect between the Right and Left and how they use the media. Going to give this some more thought before I open my mouth. Clearly, there’s a difference.

    The more I use Bluesky, the more I’m liking it. However, something happened on my Threads account this morning, when I first logged into it this morning it presented me with a toggle switch. Turning it on would allow me to see more political content. Go to Settings > Account > Political Content to get there.

    I’ve noticed something hilarious on Bluesky. Folks on Xitter that cried so much about ‘muh free speech” that an overgrown man-child with more money than God and barely enough self-control bought it, are the same folks who realize that now that they’re talking to themselves it’s no fun. So, they’re coming over to Bluesky….and getting blocked or banned like A Taint. The same thing is happening on Threads to some degree. Why are they so mad? They got the safe space they wanted to be as disgusting as they like. D’ya suppose that free speech was never the problem at all? It’s almost as if they have no actual identity without being assholes. Touch grass, like the younglings say.

    Related: Using Threads and Bluesky (deck.blue) on the desktop is amazing. If you ever had Tweetdeck, it’s that same design. I can’t tell you how much I miss Tweetdeck. 10/10 would recommend.

  • Friday, October 6th, 2023

    I got rid of X(witter). I don’t listen to news or political podcasts anymore. If I want to hear what’s going on in Congress or the White House, C-Span is a primary source. I have plenty to do during a day to doomscrolling social media. I finish what I have to do during the day and I find I have no time to sit on social media.

    I’ve been able to create because I’m taking the time to do that first before I do anything else. I let stuff go. Amazing what you can accomplish when you don’t care about anything that doesn’t matter.

  • This Used To Be My Playground. Or Drug Of Choice. It’s One Of Those.

    I realize that it might be a bit counterintuitive to talk about overusing social media on social media, but let’s talk about overusing social media on social media.   

    This has been weighing on my mind ever since Elon, who I will from this point forward refer to Incelus Maximus, Sooooper Geeeeeenius, bought Twitter.  It’s clear to me that he wishes to normalize the kind of toxic wasteland you’d find on 4chan or 8chan or worse.  Yes, I’m pretty sure there’s worse even if I’ve never seen it AND WHY WOULD I WANT TO SEE IT?  This rant is about not social media-ing, for crying out loud.  

    Grover Norquist, on an NPR interview in 2001 famously said “I’m not in favor of abolishing the government. I just want to shrink it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.”  That’s what Incelus Maximus is doing to Twitter, or X, or whatever he needs to call it to make himself feel like a man.  He bought the playground we all use, and he’s systematically taking away the swings, the slides, the merry-go-round, and the see-saw, until it’s a bare patch of land that he can pave over. 

    As a result, I’ve been roaming around all the new playgrounds to see what I like, but then I had a thought.  Why am I doing that?  Why do I feel like I have to find a new place?  I’m not sticking around the old one much longer, but who says I have to *go* anywhere?  

    I know, I’m telling you this on a podcast that I also post to TikTok and YouTube.   Not the LEAST bit hypocritical.  Hear me out.  There’s a difference between creating content and consuming it.  One actually puts something out into the universe, the other will take your time and your health if you’re not careful.   I think one of my problems has been the mindless consumption of social media instead of sitting down at my desk and creating something.   You know how this goes, right?  Sit down, pull out your phone, open a soul-stealing app, and then the next thing you know the kids have Masters degrees and you’re in a home needing a wipe and the nurse can’t understand front to back like the rest of the staff.  

    The only solution that makes sense to me is to create before I consume.  I will pick a home for social media, but create my content primarily for my own website instead of giving the techbro of the month the fruits of my labor.  

    On a completely unrelated note, there should be some labor.   Some kind of labor.  

    Any kind of labor.   

  • Sunday, February 19th, 2023

    Welcome back. That’s more for me than it is for you.

    • I haven’t had as much time for blogging–or anything else– as I have for other things that require my time. Specifically, in the past little while, my cat died, my wife’s parrot died, and my wife almost died. So, I’ve been busy. I haven’t been well, but I appear to be returning OK. It’s incredible what having access to the meds you need to be a functional human being will do for you. It would appear that my mental situation was directly tied to my lack of access to those medications. In this case, it was not my anti-depressant; it was the fact that I am now a Type 1 diabetic and am now insulin dependent. My A1C, a metric of my blood sugar levels over 90 days, was 10.1. A person who does not have diabetes would have an A1C of under 7.   Today, my estimated A1C is about 7.7, which has led to clearer thinking, more energy, and in this case, depression. I feel a lot more like my usual chaotic good self, so I’ll see if I can get back into creating more things.
    • At the beginning of the year, I set out a list of goals, separated by quarter. Due to the above, I’ve not met any of those goals for the 1st quarter. Let’s go over those:
      • WORK: Professionally, identify one area of my job where we could improve the workflow–DONE
      • WORK: Average between 700-750 items a week at my job.  — FAILED (managed 500-700 items a week. More than anyone else on the team by a lot, so might need to revise.)
      • WORK: Outline and propose Multimedia Training for my department — ADDRESSED, REJECTED due to Personal information being the hangup. PII Security is important in my line of work.
      • CREATIVE: Podcast and Patreon at least once a week in 1Q — FAILED; see above.
      • CREATIVE: Gain 25 subscribers on Patreon.  — PENDING
      • CREATIVE: One Tentpole article a month — FAILED; see above
      • CREATIVE: One Photo and one Video Essay in 1Q — PENDING
      • ACADEMIC: Dedicated Learning Time once a month in 1Q — PENDING
      • FUN:  Karaoke once a month — PENDING
      • FUN: Photo Challenge once a month — FAILED; see above
      • FUN: New song on guitar once a month — FAILED; see above
      • FUN: Something that doesn’t involve work or creativity once a month – well, depending on how you look at it, spending more time in a hospital than anyone should qualify, but FAILED in the spirit of the intention.

        Since I feel better and things are getting as close to normal as things get, I intend to try and catch up on some of those pending and failed items, but we’ll see how it goes.

    • I didn’t go into much detail about this, but you’ll notice that this website has returned to a WordPress site. I don’t have a bad thing to say about Squarespace; I no longer require or desire the bells and whistles they provide. Still, even WordPress doesn’t quite capture what I want. The closest thing that captures what I wish is Dave Winer’s Scripting News, run on Dave’s outliner program Drummer. To get as close to that as possible, I make one post a day with all the items I want to cover. I don’t believe I have the ‘fu’ required to create something in Drummer. I intend to try, and if I’m successful by some quirk of fate, I may redirect the domain there. In a perfect world, I’d try to run it from my server, but it doesn’t look like that’s possible. I could be wrong. In the end, what I want is (maybe) simple:  One date per day, my writing for the day underneath with anchor tags for each item, and the ability to post those items to Twitter, Mastodon, etc.
    • Speaking of social media, I’m frankly getting sick of it. Facebook sucks, Instagram no longer focuses on photography,  Elon is intent on making Twitter a garbage fire, TikTok is OK, but mainly for fun, and LinkedIn is not what I’m trying to reach. Mastodon is OK, but I feel meh about the whole thing.   I no longer have a clear understanding as to why I’m on social media at all. It was to try to direct eyeballs here, but I spend so much time on those platforms that I spend next to nothing here where I should. I’ve half a mind to cancel all my social media accounts and work on optimizing everything for search to come here. That sounds like the direction I want to go. Or, I cross-post links to those places and not deal with them outside of that. The bottom line is that I no longer think that social media serves any purpose other than to agitate, and I don’t need that drama anymore. I certainly don’t need the distraction.
    • Not sure how this post is going to work going forward.  I’ll either post it in the evening, or write a bunch of stuff and post it the next morning.  Frankly, I’m leaning towards the latter.  That waym I might have the time to research anything that comes up and give you something more than my usual gas-filled take on things.  We’ll see.  if that’s the case, the next post will probably be Tuesday.
  • Tuesday, November 15th, 2022

    • A week ago, I watched the distinguished prune from Arizona go all ranty after voting and I said to myself, “That is not coming from a position of strength.” There were some other things before Election Day that had me thinking that she was behind, like her challenges to GOVERNOR-ELECT HOBBS that she debate her. The lengths that she went to try and get a response from Hobbs was unusual to me. In retrospect, Hobbs–or someone on her team–knew what the hell they were doing. They didn’t give her the attention she wanted, didn’t give her a legitimate platform to spew her bullshit and let her sink on her own. Lake’s team knew they were behind on Election Day. If you don’t have people in your ear telling you this, you don’t spend your money wisely. Kari Lake had a tell, and that was projecting over the top strength. I know she won’t go away, because people like Lake rarely do. She’s going to end up on one of the conservative news networks as a paid contributor until someone taps her to be in a position in someone’s administration. It wouldn’t surprise me if that were the plan all along. To run, lose, cry foul, play the tired GOP persecution game, and end up with a bigger paycheck than the one she left. The grift is strong over on that side.

    • On my task list is a reminder that I want to do some kind of outline for a video. It’s mainly to keep those chops up, but my idea machine is empty where that’s concerned. I’m probably overthinking it. That said, I just don’t think my life is that damn interesting to make a video out of, say, the things I’m posting here. It’s also possible that the reason my life isn’t that damn interesting is in line with what I said in yesterday’s post. To quote Taylor, “It’s me, hi. I’m the problem, it’s me.”

    Damn, I love that song. I have no idea why.

    • From the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Dept. You might think there’s a grassroots opposition to offshore wind energy. That grassroots opposition is being funded by the fossil fuel industry. Because fuck you and the planet, that’s why.

    • An exceptional example of humanity* called into Washington Journal this morning and complained about the one bottleneck we have in government: The Veto. He says if the Congress passes it it should become law. I too would love to transition to a Parliamentary System of Government, sir. Something tells me you didn’t think this all the way through…

    • Today in the Muskocalypse (I can type that better than I can say it) Elon is all up in his feelings and fired the 20 people that made him feel bad. Apparently Elon’s idea of free speech absolutism is that absolutely under no circumstances should you criticize Elon. Everyone else is fair game. Haven’t seen the friendship corollary yet where you get fired if you make fun of Elon’s friends, just wait a day or two.

    On a related note: Mastodon apparently has an edit button. That’s a selling point right there.

    • Watch This: James Baldwin debates William F Buckley. Then, ask yourself why some people don’t want to talk about this subject anymore. I submit that they don’t have a fraction of the intellect displayed here. I said what I said.

    • Just caught on the news that the shit has hit the fan re: Russia. Perfect. Wolverines. Great. More tomorrow if we’re not vaporized.

    *Absolute fuckhead