Thursday, Sept 26th 2024

This may be older news now, but I’ve been reading a little about what’s been called the Chase Bank Glitch. If I understand correctly, some TikTok person came up with the idea that you can deposit a check made out to cash to your account, and they credit you that money until the check processes. I don’t think that’s a glitch as much as it is check fraud, and that’s a felony. The only ‘glitch’ you’re going to see is the one where you have to explain your conviction to future employers, if you’re lucky enough to have any.

On the creative front, I’m working out the blocking for a vlog. I think I want to document the process I’m going through, so I don’t know if it’s going to be fancy. Now that I think about it, it may not need to be. It just needs to be me.

Watched the Kamala Harris interview on MSNBC last night. While it was refreshing to hear an interview that was conducted at a normal volume and without a lot of lunacy, it annoys me to no end that we’re this close to the election and we’re still on vision and the 30k foot view. I want nuts and bolts. That’s why I don’t like these interviews, and why I don’t like debates. Kamala, your campaign keeps talking about Project 2025 as being the playbook for Trump. Where is your playbook? Where can I read it? I think it is necessary to point out that in order for Kamala to be able to do anything, the Democrats must take the House and hold on to the Senate. Even then the corporate tax is Everest, and the Senate filibuster is already locked and loaded for that one. There’s a needle to thread here, and we’re better off believing that the Dem Agenda won’t pass, and be surprised if it does.

I’m not taking it as read that Kamala will win, far from it. There’s no way this isn’t a squeaker. It shouldn’t be, but here we are. What I can’t do under any circumstances is vote for Trump, and let’s be clear about why: He’s not a serious person, but the people who have lashed themselves to his mast are. He’s a real life Zaphod Beeblebrox, a lunatic distraction while a radical legislature implements a radical agenda, and the judiciary declares it legal. I’m not down with that.

As I’m writing this, Hurricane Helene is making its way towards the Big Bend area of Florida. It’s a Category 2 storm right now, but they believe it could be a 3 or 4 by the time it hits. It’s been my nature in the past to turn on the Weather Channel and watch the coverage, but it felt different this time. I stopped to ask myself what it was I was going to watch, and the answer is someone else’s destruction. Somewhere in Florida and points North, some nameless person is going to lose everything. It suddenly felt…dirty. I decided to watch Major Crimes instead. Sure, I’ve watched the entire series at least three times, but it’s comfort TV. Also, Mary McDonnell.

Did I mention Mary McDonnell?

Meta’s Connect event was yesterday, and while I’m not interested at the Quest headset (gaming doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest), The Orion prototype is VERY interesting. Think of the Apple VIsion Pro, but as regular glasses. This is the future I want. As of now, this is a prototype, a developer model. But the ability to put that information in a pair of Ray-Bans? Yes, please. I would like it to be customizable so that the user can get the full immersion treatment, or something minimal. A heads up display of information in one lens. Maybe we could get monocles back in fashion. I’m kidding, but as I’ve said before give me what Vegeta was wearing in Dragonball, and I’m set.

Friday, October 13th, 2023

I’ve often said that just don’t think my life is that damn interesting. That was no more apparent to me when I tried to make a daily vlog, and realized that I do pretty much the same thing every day. That doesn’t really lend itself to compelling video.

However, the reason for starting to do some kind of weekly vlog isn’t for the content, it’s really for the chops. If I start making some sort of weekly diary, it’s for keeping in practice with videography and editing. Not that I think I’ll ever get another job doing it ever again, but it’s for my satisfaction that I can do it. I don’t expect that to make sense to anyone, but for me it’s very much a matter of pride at this point.